WORTHY: move from self-doubt into value and wholeness, by disarming your inner critic

This self-paced, online course offers a powerful, practical, reusable map, to guide you step-by-step through a process of healing and transforming your inner judge and critic.

~ It will help you understand what the inner critic is, why it’s there, and how to work with it, so you’re no longer getting in your own way.

~ It will help you develop your own strategies and tools, to use time and again, as you become your own biggest supporter and ally.

~ It will offer you a clear pathway for moving through self-doubt, fear, shame, and judgments, so you can stand strong in your true value and confidence. 

– It will allow you to enjoy expressing more of your true self in your relationships, work and creations. anchored in self-trust and belief, as you fulfil your true potential.


Inner critic work is one of the most fundamental shadow aspects to engage with, in any process of healing or personal growth.

It comes up all the time, in everyday life situations and relationships. 

And it crops up each step of the way, as we grow and evolve in different areas of our lives, and uncover new aspects of ourselves.

It’s ESPECIALLY important for those of us who are deeply sensitive and intuitive; the wise women who are here as the healers and visionaries, oracles, mystics, doulas and guides who are co-creating a new world.

Our roles and identities have been repressed and denigrated for too long, and it’s time we took our right place.

This work, and the particular methodology I have synthesised over time, is one of the most potent portals I know, into reclaiming our true value and belonging. 

This course is for women who:

 ~ Identify as highly sensitive, intuitive, empathic, psychic, or neurodivergent

– Want to fully own and embody their roles as healers, leaders, guides, visionaries, mystics and oracles in co-creating a new world

~ Are committed to personal healing and growth, and looking for a clear roadmap to help them gain self-awareness and make practical changes in their lives 

~ Want to have greater self-confidence and self-belief, and trust their own inner wisdom and guidance more deeply

~ Want to have a more empowered, loving and supportive relationship with themselves, and stop the endless cycle of self-judgment and self-fixing.

~ Want to say and do what they really need in their key relationships, and feel good about it.

– Long to create a more sustainable, nourishing lifestyle that honours their genuine needs and desires.

~ Are ready to move beyond superficial ‘mindset’ work, and engage in a more in-depth, holistic process, that will yield real and lasting results.

~ Know the importance of including the spiritual realms and energetic dimensions in their process of healing and evolution.

~ Are tired of being held back by self-doubt, and are longing to express their true power, passion, creativity and gifts.


What’s included:

A powerful blend of tools and practices from the modalities and paradigms of: psychotherapy, mindfulness, feminine wisdom and embodiment teachings, and energy work.

Distilled into simple yet powerful steps, that can support you on your journey of inner alchemy and transformation. 

Outlining a practical, reusable map, guiding you through a clear, comprehensive process of healing and integrating this inner aspect:

~ Video guidance (50 mins)

~ 2x Information PDFs

~ Self-inquiry process and worksheet

~ Guided healing meditation and energy process

~  Release and integration ritual

(the fun part, where you get to honour your work and play with magic!)

Living free from the grips of the inner critic

There is so much more to you, beyond the confines of this tight, hard shell of protection

Once you start understand more about the inner critic, and what it’s been trying to do for you, it becomes easier to release from its grips. You get to heal and integrate the olds wounds and fears, and start fulffilling your true potential. Working wth your inner critic creates space to:

  • Build a healthy relationship with your thoughts, emotions and body
  • Heal your relationship with all parts of yourself, to become your own ally
  • Follow your own wisdom and guidance more consistently
  • Catch your patterns and habits in action, and shift your responses
  • Develop healthier boundaries, and more fulfilling relationships with others
  • Enjoy expressing your creativity, passion and gifts
  • Approach your life and work with more ease, flexibility and pleasure
  • Live a more meaningful, satisfying and joyful life
  • Feel a positive ripple effect among your friends, family, work relationships, and beyond.

Releasing layers of the inner critic is like coming back to life; a feeling of being more at home in yourself, and belonging in this world.

Course Testimonials:

It’s just such a gift to my soul, especially at this time of the year, to take the time to tune in and do this. I’m tuning in to myself and becoming more aware, releasing old patterns.

Doing this ongoing inner work, with supports like this, is helping me to remember to choose joy, and get a bigger perspective. I’m practicing so much with my family, and I can already see the knock-on effect of it with them.

At the moment your work, Delphine, is making me feel strong, and aligned, and like I’m living the kind of life I want to live, when I surround myself with the people and tools like this, that support me on this journey.

Your strategies were really helpful. Like staying in the present, where I am a respected and competent worker, not a child who’s being admonished in front of people. And I can actually give opinions and advice, and even if they’re not acted on, I won’t be shouted at the way I was back then.

Your allyship to us, making it clear we ALL continue to work on our inner critics, is really helpful and reassuring. It allows us all to be human, and I found the concept of being an ally to myself very powerful.

It’s so powerful when you catch your own patterns in action, and make the link between ways you were shamed or judged as a child, and how that shows up then as an adult, or how you expect it to show up in different situations, when that’s not the case any more.

The inner critic is something that we all have. It’s come up in so many conversations for me lately, with different people, and I can think of so many people in my life who could benefit.

It’s like coming home.

I love that it slowed me down straight away, and reminded me that this is a journey, an ongoing process. And that doing this work can be something to look forward to.

This is brilliant timing for me, like a gift from heaven that it landed this week. I had the toughest meetings in work, and all of your stuff is actually so relevant.

Because a lot of is really the wounded inner child, feeling shame, and people working their shit out on you and with you in spaces at work, and it’s so helpful to understand what’s really going on.

Myself and my two friends went through the first module together, and we all felt so resourced by it. Resourced in our hearts.

Your approach feels like you’re an ally in the journey; you know the struggle and are living it as well, so it’s not like a typical teaching approach, though you are imparting wisdom. We were all really impressed by this.

I’m just so excited about this resource being available to me! And it’s going to be so helpful, empowering, reassuring, life-affirming, challenging – constructively challenging! – for so many people I know.

Thank you for being the best excuse to sit with myself this Sunday.

I found it helpful to think of examples from childhood, of making mistakes and being shamed by teachers in front of others, or being given out to by parents or grandparents.

And then to join the dots between those experiences and  examples from present-day professional life, where the old shame or feeling not good enough comes up again in meetings, or stops you from sharing opinions and ideas.

Modules for this product 6
Purchase Course ~ €98

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  98.00 EUR
 Purchase Course + Three 1:1 sessions (60 mins each; use in 2024)
  640.00 EUR

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I recognise that this self-study course is intended to support and enhance my personal development, and that it does not replace medical or mental health supports. 

I take full responsibility for accessing any additional supports that may be necessary at any point, including medical or mental health supports, such as counselling / psychotherapy, or other psychological, emotional or physical care, should anything arise requiring professional assistance.

I recognise that this course material is for guidance purposes only, and it is my responsibility to take whatever actions are necessary, to achieve any desired results.

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